Friday, February 4, 2022

The Great Divide


We are repeatedly told that the political divide in the US is as great now as it was in the years leading up to the civil war. A Google search on the topic yields these headlines: Trump leaves America at its most divided since the Civil War, CNN, Jan 19, 2021; Analyst says US is most divided since Civil War, The Hill, Oct 3, 2018; Is the US really heading for a second civil war?, The Guardian, Jan 9, 2022; and Biden says US more divided than at any time since the Civil Was, Fox News, June 24, 2021.

This list goes on and it might be so or maybe not. But, most of the analysis behind these headlines misses the point. The divide, such as it is, is framed in terms of hyper-partisan politics. And clearly the policy differences between the parties now are more than squabbles over taxes, defense spending, social welfare programs and such.

The divide is about the form and shape of the Union going forward. Until now it’s been hidden in fog and shadows. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought it into light and focus.

Our divide is over the ultimate authority federal regulatory agencies and the executive branch can wield over our everyday lives.

Calling to mind President Biden’s hot mic observation on the Affordable Care Act, the vaccine mandate is a big f****** deal. The federal government pushed its authority to act on behalf of a “common good” to an extreme, negating our most fundamental civil rights through coercion.

Through it our individual liberty regarding personal health and wellbeing was suspended in order to serve the collective with compliance is enforced though the denial of a right to earn a living.  

And worse, any objections to this highly questionable public health policy, even by highly qualified critics, were and are censored by corporate communication channels.

The mandate obliterates the civil rights narrative of “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” outlined in our Declaration, and explicitly violates our right of due process. It arises not from a duly enacted law, but rather it’s an administrative edict resting upon a tortured application of an existing legislative authority.

While the Occupational Health and Safety Administration’s rule has been thrown out by the Supreme Court, it demonstrates the extent to which explicit legislative intent and authority are becoming formalities; a nod to a dated and to what many claim is an irrelevant constitution.

It’s an end point to the Progressive movement where, from Woodrow Wilson onwards, the overriding responsibility of the “modern” state is to unify men into a collective society managed by experts and technocrats for the collective good.

Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the dangers of an industrial/military complex. That sort of unholy union of government and corporations has metastasized into every major segment of the economy.  Depending upon how they are counted, there are between 257 and 430 rule making departments, agencies and sub-agencies (

The expansion of regulatory authorities coupled with economic consolidation of major sectors of the economy into mega corporations has led to a symbiotic corporate/government union. This union is responsible for writing the legislation and administrative rules that govern most aspects of our place in the collective.

We have been managed and corralled throughout the pandemic by the union of the corporate health care industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control, an army of public health administrators, and propagandizing corporate and social media.

It has been nothing short of a full mobilization of what has been variously called the administrative state, the deep state or the swamp. Its performance in minimizing the mortality rates and economic impacts from the pandemic has been abysmal, while its corporate and government players have been enriched.

Worse, since the outset we’ve been deceived. The denial that the virus was almost certainly a bioengineered product from a Chinese a lab and in part funded by US tax payers is huge. Public funding of viral gain of function research is something few Americans would agree to. That it was hidden through obscure third party research grants is a gross misallocation of government funds, and likely a criminal one.

Similarly, that hospitalizations and mortality rates from the virus were grossly overstated, by obscuring the distinction between “of” and “with,” seemed to be part of a misinformation campaign to justify draconian control measures is huge. So far the pandemic has cost us nearly $5 trillion. The resulting indirect cost from the subsequent social and economic displacement is ongoing. It’s becoming increasingly clear those measures did little to mitigate the spread of the virus or lower its mortality rate. (

The willful blindness towards and prohibition of therapeutic medications, particularly ivermectin, is huge and is possibly criminal.  Hospitals were paid for treating CV19 patients only if those providers followed CDC protocols and received a bonus payment for those who died. Individual physicians were threatened with losing their hospital admission affiliations and their medical licenses unless they similarly fell in line. The prohibited therapeutic protocols could have cut mortality rates by more than half.  (

And finally forcing experimental vaccinations through coercion and disinformation is huge. It hasn’t stopped the spread of the virus. At best it’s reduced the severity of the infection. At worse coercing those not at grave health risk become vaccinated may in fact rise to the level of a crime against humanity should we see widespread long term serious adverse effects.


The CV19 pandemic demonstrated the degree to which the ruling elite can exert control even over the very mundane aspects of our personal lives if they deem it necessary for the collective.

It’s the imposition of arbitrary and extra legal authority that is the source of the political divide we are seeing now. The measures relating to Covid-19 underscore how far the coercive power of the government/corporate technocracy extend. What is seen as a deep partisan political divide is only partisan in that the Democratic Party has increasingly become the party of the government/corporate technocracy.

It’s natural to assume those governing have the nation’s best interests at heart. Whether we agree or disagree with their policies, we trust they are acting in good faith. Yet when their policies inflict great social and economic harm without benefit, and when objections to those policies are met with censorship and deplatforming, one has to wonder.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) recently brought defining clarity to our political divide:

“Each of us Americans have to understand and own our responsibility to stand us and protect that freedom in our own way and reject this censorship, and just remind people what this is all about and how – if we allow these threats to continue and this censorship to continue, the power elite to spread their own controlling propaganda, we will lose who we are as a country. We will no longer have this democratic republic. We will have a dictatorship that is controlling what people are allowed to hear, what we’re allowed to see, and what we’re allowed to say, and we will be America no longer.” (