Monday, May 28, 2012

G.K. Chesterton and the Fallen Angels of the Fourth Estate

The voice of the “common informer” is a frontline safeguard against tyranny. As such freedom of speech is rightly enshrined by our constitution as a fundamental human right. Unfortunately, there are no safeguards against the same special interests that corrupt our public institutions to keep them from corrupting our “common informers.”
On that note here are some thoughts of G.K. Chesterton on the fallen angels of the fourth estate. These are from Utopia of Users and other Essays. (Full Text.)
“A long while ago, before all the Liberals died, a Liberal introduced a Bill to prevent Parliament being merely packed with the slaves of financial interests. For that purpose he established the excellent democratic principle that the private citizen, as such, might protest against public corruption.  He was called the Common Informer. . . . Now the word "common" in "Common Informer" means exactly what it means in "common sense" or "Book of Common Prayer," or (above all) in "House of Commons."  It does not mean anything low or vulgar; any more than they do.  The only difference is that the House of Commons really is low and vulgar; and the Common Informer isn't. It is just the same with the word "Informer."  It does not mean spy or sneak.  It means one who gives information. It means what "journalist" ought to mean.  The only difference is that the Common Informer may be paid if he tells the truth. The common journalist will be ruined if he does.”


 “Their Load of Lies
Now, why do people in Fleet-street talk such tosh? People in Fleet-street are not fools.  Most of them have realised reality through work; some through starvation; some through damnation, or something damnably like it.  I think it is simply and seriously true that they are tired of their job. As the general said in M. Rostand's play, "la fatigue!"
I do really believe that this is one of the ways in which God (don't get flurried, Nature if you like) is unexpectedly avenged on things infamous and unreasonable. And this method is that men's moral and even physical tenacity actually give out under such a load of lies.  They go on writing their leading articles and their Parliamentary reports. They go on doing it as a convict goes on picking oakum. But the point is not that we are bored with their articles; the point is that they are.  The work is done worse because it is done weakly and without human enthusiasm.  And it is done weakly because of the truth we have told so many times in this book: that it is not done for monarchy, for which men will die; or for democracy, for which men will die; or even for aristocracy, for which many men have died.  It is done for a thing called Capitalism: which stands out quite clearly in history in many curious ways. But the most curious thing about it is that no man has loved it; and no man died for it.”
“It always takes a considerable time to see the simple and central fact about anything.  All sorts of things have been said about the modern Press, especially the Yellow Press; that it is Jingo or Philistine or sensational or wrongly inquisitive or vulgar or indecent or trivial; but none of these have anything really to do with the point.
The point about the Press is that it is not what it is called. It is not the "popular Press."  It is not the public Press.  It is not an organ of public opinion.  It is a conspiracy of a very few millionaires, all sufficiently similar in type to agree on the limits of what this great nation (to which we belong) may know about itself and its friends and enemies.  The ring is not quite complete; there are old-fashioned and honest papers: but it is sufficiently near to completion to produce on the ordinary purchaser of news the practical effects of a corner and a monopoly. He receives all his political information and all his political marching orders from what is by this time a sort of half-conscious secret society, with very few members, but a great deal of money.”
 Today, Bloomberg News reported that "Wall Street titans are outearned by media czars." (Full Text)

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